Often we see other people who proclaim the Gospel differently from us as a threat to us and the mission of Evangelization and respond as John and the other disciples did when they found a man casting out demons in the name of Jesus: by trying to prevent them from doing what they are doing. For us that often takes the form of gossip, which is meant to destroy the reputation of another person and cause them to quit doing what they are doing (even if it's what God is asking them to do). We do this because in our pride and selfishness we see others and their differences as threats to us rather than seeing them as Christ does: as fellow disciples in the mission of Evangelization. We must be willing to look into our hearts and recognize what causes us to sin in this way and cut it out of our hearts; evil thoughts towards one another must be rooted out and given to God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Once we are able to give our sinfulness to God in the Sacraments, we will be able to be more united to one another and further the Gospel in our world today and head towards our ultimate goal of eternal life in Heaven.